Ribbon and Fibers Store
The Ribbon and Fibers Store has a large selection of Ribbons and Fibers arranged by type of Ribbons, i.e. Adhesive, Satin, Grosgrain, Marabou Feathers and so on.
We have even included Ribbon Storage possibilities and several Books to use ribbon in your crafting.
Hopefully you will be able to find what you are looking for to fit your needs.
Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the box to scroll to the right and see all the Ribbon and Fiber Categories like Satin, Chiffon, Felted, Feathered and many more; your Amazon Wish List or see product reviews.
When you purchase from this page, you are actually purchasing from Amazon.com. All orders go through Amazon's secure order server. If you have any questions, please Contact Us.
Post Your Own Fiber or Ribbon Embellishmets We would love to see what you have come up with using Fiber or Ribbon Embellishments.
Here's how this works.
Use our
Contact Us Form
to let us know you have something to post. We will take either a card or scrapbook page where you have used your embellishment.
Our moderator will set up a page of your own here on our site and send you a link to that page so you can send it out to your family and friends. They can comment and vote on your submission.
For every 10 entries we receive, we will wait 2 weeks to collect all the comments and votes and we will award a prize to the entry with the most votes. The prize will either be something related to your entry or a gift card.
At that point we will need to get you your prize so we will contact you will need your mailing address.
Go to the Scrapbook Fibers & Embellishments page
Go to the Scrapbook Advice Stores page for a list of all the items you can purchase from us.
Go to the Home Page for General Scrapbook Advice from the Scrapbook Ribbon and Fibers Store
